My Story

my story was born out of frustration...

The frustration of realising that the technological tools available are not efficient and adjusted enough to help with Data Analytics in socio-legal issues and the automation of legal documentation.

In the professional field, I have often come across spreadsheets that act as ‘Databases’. This puts information at risk, generates duplicity and redundancy, inconsistency and lack of data integrity, and complicates data handling, filtering or understanding. Consequently, with slow and unreliable metrics, decisions are made on outdated or incorrect information and, therefore, decisions are made that are not only wrong, but also detrimental to the organisation. This is because the information available is not well structured, validated, discovered, cleaned, unified, reviewed and presented.

For these reasons, I studied programming and data analysis in order to be able to develop software solutions that fit the reality of socio-legal issues. Tools that really help a multidisciplinary team, which not only include the automation of legal documentation, but also include real-time statistics of the processes, accessible from any device, whether mobile or computer.

Currently, I am in a communication bridge between a Social and Legal team with the Technological one. Understanding and understanding the needs and requirements of Data Analysis, prior to initiating a software solution; from a User Experience (UI/UX) perspective, that is, easy access and understanding by the end user.

I have successfully developed software solutions, specifically in the area of Public Utility Property Acquisition, Courts and Tribunals, as well as Data Analytics with Big Data in Socio-Legal issues.


Postgraduate Professor

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

I teach lawyers the basic skills to program in Python, with the goal of creating desktop applications with utility for law

February 2024 - Present

Project Manager

Instituto de Desarrollo Urbano

Effectively led 6 lawyers colleagues specialized in the Av Centenario Property Acquisition project, in the purchase of +800 properties.

I designed, created and deployed a customized Web application to identify and optimize critical processes in the monitoring of the Project, in real time, with the following features:

  • Real-tiem Data Analytics using DashBoards
  • GeoReference
  • Agile process status search
  • Automation of the following legal documents:
    • Resoluciones de Oferta de Compra
    • Citación a notificación de Resoluciones de Oferta de Compra
    • Aviso de notificación de Resoluciones de Oferta de Compra
    • Resolución modificatoria de Oferta de compra
    • Citación a notificación de Resolución modificatoria de Oferta de Compra
    • Aviso de notificación de Resolución modificatoria Oferta de Compra
    • promesas de compraventa
    • otrosí a la promesa de compraventa
    • Resoluciones de Expropiacion por Vía Administrativa
    • Citación a notificación de Resoluciones de Expropiación
    • Aviso de notificación de Resoluciones de Expropiación
    • Oficio de Requerimiento de Entrega
    • Oficio de Solicitud de Registro de Oferta de Compra
    • Oficio de Solicitud de cancelación de Registro de Oferta de Compra
    • Oficio de Solicitud de Registro de Expropiación por Vía Administrativa
  • Verification of legal terms expiration
  • Identification of reprocessing
July 2023 - January 2024

Acquisition lawyer

Instituto de Desarrollo Urbano

Acquisition of land for the projects Av Carrera 7ma and Av Carrera 68

I designed and created desktop applications in Python language for the automation of documents needed for Procurement with the following features:

  • Automation legal documents like Resoluciones de Ofertas de Compra, Promesas de compraventa, Expropiaciones y Minutas de escrituras de compraventa.

I designed, created and deployed a web application developed in Laravel framework for the automation of documents needed for Procurement with the following features:

  • Automation of 13 legal documents
  • Agile process status search
October 2017 - January 2022

Full Stack Developer

Legal Develop S.A.S.

Designed, created and deployed Web application for the Automation of Second Instance Judgments for Tribunal Superior de Bogotá - Sala Laboral, with the following features:

  • Agile process status search
  • Data Analytics

Automation of Second Instance Judgments of the following subjects

  • Ineficacia de Traslado de Régimen Pensional
  • Reliquidación de Pensión de Vejez
  • Reliquidación de Pensión de Invalidez
July 2022 - currently

Full Stack Developer

Legal Develop S.A.S.

Designed, created and deployed Web application for Court Laboral del Circuito de Bogotá, with the following features:

  • Agile process status search

Automation of following legal documents

  • Autos Admisorios de Demanda
  • Autos Inadmisorios de Demanda
  • Autos Rechazo de Demanda
November 2021 - July 2022

other developments


QR Stock

Web application for the inventory of Boxes and articles through QR with the following characteristics

  • Agile articles and boxes search
  • QR for box labeling
  • feature to move items between boxes
March 2023 - currently


Cold Stock

Web application for the inventory of refrigeration units with the following features:

  • Date of storage
  • date of expiration
  • QR for refrigerator labeling
  • feature to move items between refrigerator
March 2023 - currently


English Memory

Development of a Web application for memorization through associations of words and phrases in English by means of associations.

December 2022 - currently

Web Master

Sash Joyería

Creation, maintenance and deployment of website of

April 2017 - currently



  • Professional Advanced Data Analytics Certified by Google 2024
  • 7 courses
  • Foundations of Data Science
  • Get Started with Python
  • Go Beyond the Numbers: Translate Data into Insights
  • The Power of Statistics
  • Regression Analysis: Simplify Complex Data Relationships
  • The Nuts and Bolts of Machine Learning
  • Google Advanced Data Analytics Capstone

Understanding and Visualizing Data with Python - Michigan University - April 2024


  • SQL - SoloLearn - September 2022
  • PHP - SoloLearn - August 2021
  • JQuery - SoloLearn - June 2020
  • CSS - sololearn - April 2020
  • HTML - SoloLearn - April 2020


Formación Docente Basada en la práctica para desarrollar habilidades del Siglo XXI - Universidad Católica de Chile - November 2023


  • AI & Law - Lund University with Honors - January 2023


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Laravel
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Bootstrap
Data Analytics
  • Python
  • MySQL
  • ApexCharts.js


Administrative and Constitutional Law

One year of Graduate level studies
September 2016


Juris Doctor
December 2013